

artist, curator, and co-editor Art Leaks, Belgrade

Vladan Jeremić is an artist whose artistic practice comprises of drawing, text, and video. Since 2002 he has been developing a joint artistic and curatorial practice with Rena Räedle that explores the overlapping space between art and politics. In their artistic work they focus on social and economical conditions of reproduction, unveiling these by provoking the contradictions that exist in society today. Their recently curated exhibitions include: A Real Work of Art – art, work, and solidarity structures, 2015, RAM Gallery, Oslo, which incorporated the seminar Art Production in Restriction; Possibilities of Transformative Art Production and Coalition-Building, 2015, Trondheim, Norway; and I Will Never Talk About the War Again, 2011, Färgfabriken, Stockholm. Jeremić is also co-founder of the ArtLeaks and editor of the ArtLeaks Gazette. His recent exhibitions include: Mundus vadit retro, 2014, Kibla, Maribor; Red Winter at Deep Sites, 2014, LevArt, Levanger; To the Square 2, 2014, Perpetuum Mobilε, Checkpoint Helsinki, Helsinki; Between Worlds II, 2013, Kraljevic Gallery, Zagreb; Places of memory—Fields of vision, 2012, Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki; Absolute Democracy, 2012, Rotor, Graz; Oktobar XXX, 2012, 15. Pančevo Biennial, Serbia; The Housing Agenda, 2012, Cable Factory Gallery and Ateneum Museum, Helsinki, and La maison Folie Wazemmes, Lille; Moving Forwards, Counting Backwards, 2012, MUAC, Mexico City. Jeremić lives and works in Belgrade. [Last updated 2015]

Openbare redactievergadering

9-10 oktober 2015

Art and Labor After the End of Work