The National Democratic Movement of the Philippines consists of a variety of underground and guerrilla movements as well as (semi-)legal political parties and organizations with strong leftist and Maoist affinities. Its development can be traced back to resistance movements against the Spanish and United States occupations in the Philippines. Today, the movements continue their struggle against US influence in the Filipino government. Central to the movements’ understanding of art is the figure of the cultural worker, whose task is to both educate, and be educated by, the masses of landless peasants and the urban poor.
With contributions by: Ericson Acosta (activist and poet, Manila), Beatrice de Graaf (Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism, The Hague), Alice G. Guillermo (theorist, Quezon City), Lisa Ito (theorist, Quezon City), Jose Maria Sison (poet and founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army, Utrecht), and Mao Tse-tung (revolutionary, theorist, and former Chairman of the Communist Party).
Table of contents
Maria Hlavajova
Jonas Staal
Cultural Imperialism in the Philippines
Jose Maria Sison
Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art
Mao Tse-tung
The Bladed Poem
Jose Maria Sison
Poems and Prose, with an Introduction by Jose Maria Sison
Ericson Acosta
I Am a Cultural Worker
Ericson Acosta Interviewed by Jonas Staal
Terrorist Trials as a Stage: Some Notes on Performativity
Beatrice de Graaf
The Guerilla Is Like a Poet
Jose Maria Sison
Protest Puppetry: An Update on the Aesthetics and Production of Effigy-Making, 2005–2012
Lisa Ito
Definition of Terms
Alice G. Guillermo
Editor: Jonas Staal in dialogue with Jose Maria Sison
Associate Editor: Seyma Bayram
Coordinator and Proof Reader: Gwen Parry
Design: Remco van Bladel, Amsterdam in collaboration with Andrea Spikker
Lithography and Printing: Drukkerij Raddraaier, Amsterdam
Language: English
Pages: 166
ISBN: 978-90-77288-20-7
Price: € 5
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