
Kong-Mainland Relationship Repairment Study Group (HKMRRSG)

Hong Kong-Mainland Relationship Repairment Study Group (HKMRRSG) is a self-organized gathering of practitioners emerging from the aftermath of the 2019 social movement in Hong Kong. They are connected through shared feelings of displacement and interest in catalyzing nuanced imaginations of the present. HKMRRSG meets regularly irregularly to germinate new possibilities for solidarity and repair by way of centering small-scale community building between the diaspora, the local, and minor China. HKMRRSG’s participation in the Ultracirculation node of UPS includes Jaime Chu, Zoénie Liwen Deng, Elaine W. Ho, Mac Liu, Xiaofei Mo, Qu Chang, Michelle Song, Michelle Wun Ting Wong, Cici Wu, Ye Hui, and Youqian Zhao.