a rAdio StaTiOn foR CriTiCal CirCuLATioN MI

Listen here to the audio stream of the noodle nest dangling precariously from the Ultradependent Public School study hall:

Listen to CriTiCal CirCuLATioN MI:


This is an open invite to use study group ultraCIRCULATION‘s carb-fueled online radio station, called CriTiCal CirCuLATioN MI. Our remix of circulation is an entanglement of content and form, always in motion, a fragrant infrastructure. It offers a channel for anyone of the Ultradependent Public School as well as everyone of the public to play, record, and experiment with online audio streaming as a means of aural play, critical voicing and listening, and propagation.

This stream will be available throughout the duration of the exhibition, on this page and via sometimes sonic solidarities with our study partners. All content can be archived and re-blasted for later highlighting via mirrors to be set up with Stranded FM, lumbung RADIO and Hong Kong Community Radio.


How to take part?

  • Come to BAK at any time during regular visiting hours (Tuesday-Sunday, 12-18h), you can live stream via CriTiCal CirCuLATioN MI.
  • If you are not familiar with the medium, simply follow the instructions to learn the basics of online radio via the handy audio manual made by Angeliki Diakrousi and Elaine W. Ho.
  • Spontaneous visits and shout-outs always welcome as long as the booth has not been reserved
  • If you want to schedule a dedicated time (in half-hour+ slots) for dedicated streaming, simply reserve via the online booking form below:



    Cast the net of sonic solidarity! 

    Host a discussion, stream a rehearsal, sing karaoke, play DJ, record a reading group, gossip over the internet, however you like~