

visual artist and writer

Vibeke Mascini is a visual artist and writer. She is a sculpture tutor and research fellow at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) and an artist in residence at Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam between 2021 and 2022. Previous teaching positions include Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam, Amsterdam and Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam. For the past few years, her artistic research revolved around historic and futuristic concepts of electricity as a speculative agent of life. Through sculptures, installations, video, and text, Mascini seeks to channel a close understanding of electricity by drawing a direct relation to its source. Her work is shown in international collections, including MoMA Library, New York. Her next solo exhibition will be shown at RADIUS Center for Contemporary Art and Ecology, Delft, 2022. She also collaborated on several publications, among them The Dent of Walter Umenhofer (2015). She lives and works in Amsterdam.

Exhibition, Gatherings, Publication, Symposium

03 December 2021–22 May 2022

No Linear Fucking Time