
Ponce de León


Rita Ponce de León is an artist with a focus on drawing and installation. She is currently studying psycho-corporal techniques for human development at the Argentinean organization Rio Abierto. Ponce de León’s way of working engages in situations that allow, through artistic and learning processes, for the generation of meaningful human bonds through intuitive encounters. She has approached practices such as butoh and other workshops that address body movement as the origin of knowledge and wisdom. She condenses this diversity of processes into drawing and visual essays. Her work was shown at Incerteza Viva, 32nd Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2016; Endless openness produces circles, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, 2014; and The Ungovernables, New Museum Triennial, New York, 2012. She has had solo exhibitions at Proyecto AMIL, Lima; 80M2 Gallery, Lima; and Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City, among others. Furthermore, her images have been published in Vitamin D2: New Perspectives in Drawing (2013). She currently collaborates with choreographer Tania Solomonoff, self-education project Vacaciones de Trabajo, the transdisciplinary studio Primal, and poet Yaxkin Melchy. Ponce de León lives and works in Mexico City.

Exhibition, Gatherings, Publication, Symposium

03 December 2021–22 May 2022

No Linear Fucking Time