
Audio Film Collective

Film collective

Black Audio Film Collective was a seven-person film collective inaugurated in the United Kingdom in 1982 and dissolved in 1998. Through film, photography, slide tape, video, installation, posters, and interventions, Black British and diaspora multimedia artists and film makers John Akomfrah, Lina Gopaul, Avril Johnson, Reece Auguiste, Trevor Mathison, David Lawson, and Edward George transformed the representation of political experiences of people of color living in Britain under the Thatcher regime. Films include Handsworth Songs (directed by John Akomfrah, 1986); Testament (directed by John Akomfrah, 1988); Twilight City (directed by Reece Auguiste, 1989); and Last Angel of History (directed by John Akomfrah, 1996).