
Fellow 2021/2022

Zone Collective, Rijeka 2017 (for Levko and Jadranka)

Zone Collective

Zone Collective is a collaborative duo consisting of Megan Hoetger and Kirila Cvetkovska. Hoetger is a performance and media historian, and currently curator with Amsterdam-based If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution. Cvetkovska is an independent cultural practitioner alternating between different roles in the arts, and looking for new forms and approaches through collaboration. The Zone Collective develops interdisciplinary methodological and narrative approaches to research, which hold space open to imagine otherwise in the shadow zones of global capital’s routes. During the fellowship period, they will conduct research and writing towards European Solidarity A Neighbourhood Zoning Play, a playful radio play exploring systems of ‘awarded autonomy’ in cultural economic policy and the subsequent tiered access to solidarity operative across the porous borders marking ‘Europe’ and the ‘Europe not in Europe’ they produce. By tracking the spectral infrastructures haunting these policies, A Neighbourhood Zoning Play offers a critical perspective on the project of European solidarity, and, as such, provokes self-reflection on what we mean when we say ‘solidarity’ – with who? for what? Festival and funding sites, community stakeholders, zoning policies and borders themselves are characters in the world of European Solidarity, and things get turned upside down and inside out. Selected presentations include Shadow Zones: experimental cinema history in Yugoslavia; or, a cinema and a history made and unmade by maps, When Site Lost The Plot, Amsterdam, 2021 and Studies in Character Development, Haus Wien, Vienna, 2021. Megan Hoetger lives and works in the Netherlands, and is part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.  




Zone Collective

Zone Collective is a collaborative duo consisting of Megan Hoetger and Kirila Cvetkovska. Hoetger is a performance and media historian, and currently curator with Amsterdam-based If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution. Cvetkovska is an independent cultural practitioner alternating between different roles in the arts, and looking for new forms and approaches through collaboration. The Zone Collective develops interdisciplinary methodological and narrative approaches to research, which hold space open to imagine otherwise in the shadow zones of global capital’s routes. During the fellowship period, they will conduct research and writing towards European Solidarity A Neighbourhood Zoning Play, a playful radio play exploring systems of ‘awarded autonomy’ in cultural economic policy and the subsequent tiered access to solidarity operative across the porous borders marking ‘Europe’ and the ‘Europe not in Europe’ they produce. By tracking the spectral infrastructures haunting these policies, A Neighbourhood Zoning Play offers a critical perspective on the project of European solidarity, and, as such, provokes self-reflection on what we mean when we say ‘solidarity’ – with who? for what? Festival and funding sites, community stakeholders, zoning policies and borders themselves are characters in the world of European Solidarity, and things get turned upside down and inside out. Selected presentations include Shadow Zones: experimental cinema history in Yugoslavia; or, a cinema and a history made and unmade by maps, When Site Lost The Plot, Amsterdam, 2021 and Studies in Character Development, Haus Wien, Vienna, 2021. Megan Hoetger lives and works in the Netherlands, and is part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.  





The Hauntologists

4-6 November 2022

Open Call: Zoning Play Complex