
Fellow 2021/2022

Zeyno Pekünlü

Zeyno Pekünlü is an artist. She is currently running the Istanbul Biennial Production and Research Programme at Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, IKSV, Istanbul. She is co-founder of KIRIK, an initiative for people and topics in the cracks. She is part of the editorial board of e-journal Red Thread and member of IRI (Institute of Radical Imagination). Scanning a range of issues, from the construction of maleness and femaleness as gender roles, to questioning knowledge and its distribution, her works aims to decipher power that encompasses the intimate and the social simultaneously. Shows include, among others: Artists in Quarantine, the museum confederation L’Internationale, online, 2020; Institute for New Feeling, Artist Film International/White Chapel Gallery, London/Hammer Museum, Los Angeles/MAAT, Lisbon/Istanbul Modern Museum, Istanbul, 2016–2017Zeyno Pekünlü, SALT Ulus, Ankara, 2016; Istanbul: Passion, Joy, Fury, MAXXI Museum, Rome, 2015Salt Water, 14th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, 2015; Neither Back Nor Forward: Acting in the Present, Jakarta Biennale, Jakarta, 2015; Every Inclusion is an Exclusion of Other Possibilities, SALT Beyoglu, Istanbul, 2015; and Sights and Sounds: Turkey, Jewish Museum, New York, 2015. Zeyno Pekünlü lives and works in Istanbul and is the coordinator of the Istanbul Biennial Research and Production Programme cell in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.  

Zeyno Pekünlü

Zeyno Pekünlü is an artist. She is currently running the Istanbul Biennial Production and Research Programme at Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, IKSV, Istanbul. She is co-founder of KIRIK, an initiative for people and topics in the cracks. She is part of the editorial board of e-journal Red Thread and member of IRI (Institute of Radical Imagination). Scanning a range of issues, from the construction of maleness and femaleness as gender roles, to questioning knowledge and its distribution, her works aims to decipher power that encompasses the intimate and the social simultaneously. Shows include, among others: Artists in Quarantine, the museum confederation L’Internationale, online, 2020; Institute for New Feeling, Artist Film International/White Chapel Gallery, London/Hammer Museum, Los Angeles/MAAT, Lisbon/Istanbul Modern Museum, Istanbul, 2016–2017Zeyno Pekünlü, SALT Ulus, Ankara, 2016; Istanbul: Passion, Joy, Fury, MAXXI Museum, Rome, 2015Salt Water, 14th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, 2015; Neither Back Nor Forward: Acting in the Present, Jakarta Biennale, Jakarta, 2015; Every Inclusion is an Exclusion of Other Possibilities, SALT Beyoglu, Istanbul, 2015; and Sights and Sounds: Turkey, Jewish Museum, New York, 2015. Zeyno Pekünlü lives and works in Istanbul and is the coordinator of the Istanbul Biennial Research and Production Programme cell in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.