

Decolonial forum

Founded by Kader Attia, La Colonie opened its doors on 17 October 2016, the anniversary of the 1961 Paris massacre in which police officers attacked and killed demonstrators for Algerian independence. From 2016-2020, La Colonie was located in Paris’s Gare du Nord area. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was forced to close its doors and begin a nomadic existence, initiated through the project Fragments of Repair in collaboration with BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht. La Colonie is an open forum for decolonial thinking, debate, and cultural activism. Together with artists, researchers, activists, local residents, different cultural and political communities, and various publics, La Colonie seeks to decolonize the conditions of knowledge production and the everyday structures of living together; fathoming a future disentangled from the legacies of colonial violence.