

anthropologist, Amsterdam

Jan Breman is Emeritus Professor at the Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam and Honorary Fellow at the International Institute of Social History, both in Amsterdam. His research interests span employment and labor relations in contemporary Asia (focusing mainly on India and Indonesia), the history of colonialism, labor migration, conditions of poverty and the social question in a global perspective. Breman has held numerous visiting professorships worldwide, including at: the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi; the School of Public Affairs, Xiamen University, Xiamen; and Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor. His many books include: Profit from Unfree Labour in Colonial Java (In press), Outcast Labour in Asia (2013); At Work in the Informal Economy of India (2013), Taming the Coolie Beast (1989); and Of Patronage and Exploitation (1974). He is also on the editorial board of journals such as Development and Change, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, The Journal of Agrarian Change, and The Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. In addition to his scholarly work as an anthropologist and sociologist, Breman has carried out consultancy missions for a variety of international organizations in both Asia and the Netherlands. Breman lives and works in Amsterdam. [Last updated 2015]

Public Editorial Meeting

27-28 February 2015

Who is a “People?” Constructions of the “We”