
van Rijn

Ilse van Rijn is a researcher, writer and art historian. At present, Van Rijn is affiliated as a researcher to Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam, she teaches at the University of Amsterdam and is a tutor at THIRD/ DAS Graduate School, AHK, Amsterdam. She also led the theory programme at the Gerrit Rietveld department of Image & Language for several years and co-initiated the temporary master programme Approaching Language at Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam in 2019, questioning the materiality of language. Van Rijn holds a PhD from the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, in collaboration with Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, and Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, in which she analysed the status and operative force of artists’ writings, developing a so-called poetics of the artists’ text (The Artists’ Text as Work of Art, 2017). She has published extensively on contemporary art in general, and its relation to writing in specific. Recent articles include: Poetics / Politics, Metropolis M, 2018; Radical Poetry as Material Intervention in Contemporary Art. A Prequel, Sandberg Series, Feb. 2020; Ghostwriting and Artists’ Texts. Raqs’s We Are Here, But Is It Now?, AUP, forthcoming. Van Rijn lives and works in Amsterdam.