
Fellow 2020

Mitchy Mallorca Saturay during training by Bakudapan as part of Trainings for the Not-Yet, December 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

Mitchy Mallorca Saturay

Mitchy Mallorca Saturay is a theater artist, activist, cultural worker/organizer, and political refugee from the Philippines. As a teenager at the height of the Marcos dictatorship in the 1970s, she joined a progressive theater company that opened her eyes to the plight of the poor and oppressed. She quickly recognized that the elements of theater play an important role in raising one’s political consciousness, and has since been organizing, developing, and conducting integrated theater arts workshops aimed to arouse, organize, and mobilize the most marginalized sectors. Before moving to the Netherlands, she was an active member of the Concerned Artists of the Philippines as a workshop facilitator, performer, scriptwriter, and stage director. In 2006, she and her family became targets of political persecution and were forced to flee to the Netherlands. She co-founded the Willem Geertman Art and Culture Network in Utrecht, where she continues to share and utilize her decades of experience in theater as a tool for grassroots community organizing, collaborating with migrant youth, workers, clergy, and refugees in Europe. Mallorca Saturay lives and works in Utrecht.

Mitchy Mallorca Saturay

Mitchy Mallorca Saturay is a theater artist, activist, cultural worker/organizer, and political refugee from the Philippines. As a teenager at the height of the Marcos dictatorship in the 1970s, she joined a progressive theater company that opened her eyes to the plight of the poor and oppressed. She quickly recognized that the elements of theater play an important role in raising one’s political consciousness, and has since been organizing, developing, and conducting integrated theater arts workshops aimed to arouse, organize, and mobilize the most marginalized sectors. Before moving to the Netherlands, she was an active member of the Concerned Artists of the Philippines as a workshop facilitator, performer, scriptwriter, and stage director. In 2006, she and her family became targets of political persecution and were forced to flee to the Netherlands. She co-founded the Willem Geertman Art and Culture Network in Utrecht, where she continues to share and utilize her decades of experience in theater as a tool for grassroots community organizing, collaborating with migrant youth, workers, clergy, and refugees in Europe. Mallorca Saturay lives and works in Utrecht.

Fellowship Research Trajectory

For the 2020 BAK Fellowship, nine Fellowships are awarded to practitioners engaged with local communities and struggles for developing a focus on long lasting, mutual support with and through BAK as a public art institution. Former BAK Fellow and artist Jeanne van Heeswijk joins this strand as BAK Associate to conceptually guide the research and work on forms of proximity and building connections.

Next to these nine selected Fellows, six members of the collective freethought have been invited to participate in the 2020 edition of the Fellowship.