

artist and lecturer, Vancouver

Judy Radul (born 1962) is an artist. She studied at Bard College in New York, where she obtained her Masters degree in Fine Arts in 2000. Currently she teaches visual arts at the Simon Fraser University, School for the Contemporary Arts, Vancouver, Canada. Radul’s practice involves the consideration of the forms and conditions of video, language, and performance. Her work has recently focused on video installation but also includes photography, live actions, and audio. Radul’s critical writing has been widely published. In 2009 her large-scale installation, World Rehearsal Court, using live and prerecorded video, will be presented as a solo exhibition at the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Recent solo exhibitions (selection): Judy Radul, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, 2007; Judy Radul: Proposal for Ghost Pass Rehearsal Park, OBORO, Montréal, 2006; Room 302, Artspeak Gallery, Vancouver, 2005; Downes Point And So Departed (Again), Presentation House Gallery, North Vancouver, 2005. Recent group exhibitions include: e-flux video rental, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, 2007; Projections, Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, 2007; and Intertidal: Vancouver Art and Artists, MuHKA, Antwerp, 2005. Radul lives and works in Vancouver.

During her residency Radul carried out research for the World Rehearsal Court project, which brings together her interest in performance, media, behavior, and social space with an aesthetic investigation of the history and contemporary realities of the trial and the court of law. She traveled to The Hague regularly to observe trials at the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Of particular interest to Radul is the way the theater of the court is being altered by the increasing use of media not only as evidence, but in many aspects of the staging of the trial, including its live recording and closed circuit as well as Internet broadcast. Her preliminary research into these aesthetic dimensions of the trial and their relation to contemporary art is available online.