Aliens, Spacetime, Storytelling, and Infrastructure: December Fellows Intensive
In December 2019 the BAK 2019/2020 Fellows gather for their third Fellows Intensive, co-convened by Fellows Oleksiy Radynski, David Muñoz Alcántara, and Diana McCarty along with BAK. Synthesizing and pushing their own and each other’s individual research trajectories, in December the Fellows visit local institutions like IMPAKT, Casco Art Institute, and Universiteitsmuseum; create and participate in workshops; and have discussions with international scholars, artists, and activists.
The Fellows use the science fiction novel about a communist society on Mars, Red Star (1908) by physician, philosopher, and writer Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928), as a jumping off point. Throughout their time together, the Fellows speak with critic and philosopher Alla Mitrofanova, Assistant Professor Svitlana Matviyenko, director and screenwriter Pauliina Feodoroff, and artist and developer Victor Pardinho to think through differing strategies and purposes of storytelling and cybernetics, of thinking with theories, poetics, reflections on spacetime and the intersection of historical figures in their research, and possibilities for and of their work together.