
8 March 2020, 13.00-19.30

Mama Cash Feminist Festival at BAK: Collective (Ex)change

Organized in the framework of International Women's Day

Facebook event | Tickets (via Eventbrite) [please note: SOLD OUT!]

BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht is proud to present a collaboration with Mama Cash for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2020. The Mama Cash Feminist Festival celebrates all that feminist movements around the world have fought for and achieved. It also looks forward, as visitors collectively imagine what a more feminist future would look like.

Please join BAK on Sunday 8 March 2020 for the full day program Collective (Ex)change, a gathering of and for local and international activists and artists who are working to make spaces safer for women-identified and LGBTQIA+ people. By bringing together creative advocacy groups from different parts of the world in conversation with local collectives, the program explores complements, contrasts, and intersections of current feminist and LGBTQIA+ activist practice, and possibilities for collaboration across borders and contexts. Including lectures, music, panel discussions, artistic interventions, and more!

BAK’s exhibition space is taken over for one day by the grantees of Mama Cash. On view is a “video jam” of public-domain works that have been selected by Mama Cash participants as influential, relevant, or complementary to their practices. This offers another way of viewing the ideas and urgencies of several impressive feminist and queer movements from all over the world.

Additionally, two screens are given over for the collectives to show their own documentary and artistic works.

With contributions by: Amal Alhaag, Rosalba Icaza Garza, Proyecto Intersexual, Trans Mreža Balkan, SEHAQ, Queer Refugees Group (Mala Badi and MamaKil), Tender Center Rotterdam, Colored Qollective, as well as a rock band formed at the annual Girls Rock Camp, by Femix Serbia. Moreover, local intersectional feminist bookstore Savannah Bay will be there with a selection of queer and feminist books to choose from during the break!

PROGRAM (subject to changes):
13.00 hrs:
Doors open

Ongoing, from 13.00 hrs Exhibition take-over by international Mama Cash grantee-collectives

14:00–14:05 hrs
Word of welcome by BAK and Mama Cash

14:05–14:45 hrs Lectures –
Lecture: Rosalba Icaza Garza – Feminismos Otrxos: On the power of grounding our (plural)self 
Challenging coloniality, racism, classism, and heteronormativity is at the core of many of the contemporary feminist and queer movements. Icaza Garza delves into the importance of building bridges between different strands of feminism in order to nurture a decolonial, coalitional movement that disputes multiple oppressions and assists plural liberations.

Lecture: Amal Alhaag – An ode to Dirty Workers
How did different generations of collectives of womxn care for each other across geopolitics, histories and borders? Alhaag presents visual and sonic notes on the intersectional and intergenerational collaborations that emerge(d) in the context of dirty, feminist work as a response to this question.

14:45–15:45 hrs Panel discussion with Mama Cash grantees: Proyecto Intersexual (Adiós al Futuro and Hana Aoi) and Trans Mreža Balkan
Discussion with International queer, trans, and intersex groups who employ creative forms of documentation and representation as a central aspect of their activism, with a focus on the collaborative and cross-border aspects of their respective practices.

15:45–16:00 hrs Performance War On Bodies by SEHAQ, Queer Refugees Group (Mala Badi) 
War on Bodies is a revival of culture bodily transmitted by inheritance, inspired by the history and traditions of the Moroccan people and their bodies.

The performance addresses the many forms in which colonialism presents itself and its effects on how bodies are treated and genders and sexualities are dealt with, drawing the parallelisms between the colonial concept of building walls and the bordering process of bodies and sexualities.

16:00–16:30 hrs Break, drinks, and time to view exhibition

16:30–16:35 hrs Interview with, and music performance by, Selena of Femix Girls Rock Camp

16:35–17:30 hrs Panel discussion: On Queering the Local, with Tender Center, Colored Qollective, and SEHAQ, Queer Refugees Group
Discussion with Netherlands based queer and trans collectives working across art and advocacy with a focus on intersectional thinking. How to create relational and spatial infrastructures to protect and foster queer communities in the Dutch context? What are the tactics and approaches to visibilizing and creating spaces by and for queer collectives?

17:30–18:00 hrs Plenary discussion 

18:00–18:10 hrs Music by Selena, Femix Girls Rock Camp

18:10–19:30 uur DJ set by MamaKil (SEHAQ, Queer Refugees Group), closing drinks
Creators of queer refugees’ safer night life and parties MamaKil plays a set of cheap orientalist music, showing how SEHAQ took up space in white western dominated spaces. MamakKl brings rai, wai wai, chaabi, alaoui, mahraganat, dabke, and more.

Doors open at 13.00 hrs and the program starts at 14.00 hrs.

The Mama Cash Feminist Festival, now in its fifth edition, takes place on 7 and 8 March in Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Rotterdam. The program at BAK includes Yallah Sabaya on Saturday 7 March, 20.00-23.00, and Collective (Ex)change on Sunday 8 March, 13.00-19.30 hrs. Visit the website of Mama Cash for more information on the full program. 

Regular tickets: €5 / Book your ticket here
Solidarity tickets: BAK provides solidarity tickets for those who would otherwise not be able to attend. These tickets provide free entry.
Free for We Are Public members, but make sure to sign up in advance via www.wearepublic.nl

In collaboration with

Suggestions from the archive


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Chapter one: exhibition

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