
BAK programming combines the artistic, experiential, theoretical, and political so as to imagine and enact transformative ways, with and through art, of being together otherwise. BAK’s current research trajectory Propositions for Non-Fascist Living (2017–ongoing) is prompted by the dramatic resurfacing and normalization of fascisms, historical and contemporary. BAK organizes exhibitions, lectures, publications, workshops, and composite performative conferences with exhibitionary, discursive, and performative elements.


Current & Upcoming

Suggestions from the archive

Public Editorial Meeting

27-28 February 2015

Who is a “People?” Constructions of the “We”

FORMER WEST Public Editorial Meeting. The format of the London Public Editorial Meeting consists of a series of presentations and conversations, which serve as entries into a wider trajectory of discussions between writers and the contributing audience. Titled Who is a “People?” Constructions of the “We, it focuses on the notions of “publics” and “the people,” considering them first and foremost as politico-cultural constructions.

Education Program

Panel Discussion