
18-22 December 2019

Training XXII: Kitchen Atlases

  • picture taken during A feast by & for by De Voorkamer. Photo: Tom Janssen.

The twenty-second training as part of the Trainings for the Not-Yet is with Bakudapan Food Study Group, and takes place on 18–22 December 2019 (Wednesday–Sunday). This training focuses on mapping, cooking, eating, and reading.

Buy tickets (via Eventbrite) |Facebook event

Bakudapan Food Study Group is an Indonesia-based collective which uses food as an “instrument to speak about broader issues,” such as politics, social- and gender-related matters, economics and labor, philosophy, art, and culture. In this training, Bakudapan Food Study Group focuses on domestic work, bringing to attention the fact that Indonesia is one of the biggest “exporters” of migrant workers to domestic contexts, where they work as cooks, caretakers, babysitters, cleaners, and housekeepers.

Bakudapan Food Study Group wants to explore the power relations between migrant domestic workers and their employers. They test whether and how the site of the training they have chosen – the kitchen – may help, if only temporarily, to suspend these extant hierarchies of power, trusting that those who use the kitchen most might be able to acquire a certain position within it. This, along with the associations such as caring, affection, and obligation, may help with narrating the domestic work of migrant people from multiple perspectives, and not merely from the customary standpoint of power. The training questions and examines the power constellations within the kitchen. Bakudapan will conduct workshops within this training with a different set of topics; kitchen mapping, kitchen tools, recipes, cooking, and eating together. By exploring through each workshop, we will be able to hear stories, tactics, negotiations, that are created inside the space.

When: 18-22 December 2019 (Wednesday–Sunday)
Daily, 14.30–18 hrs, everyday followed by dinner by the Basic Activist Kitchen. 
This training culminates in a special closing dinner on Sunday 22 December, 18.00, free to attend for all training participants of the week: Closing dinner Bakudapan. Just sign up by sending an e-mail to 

This is a five-day training. It is possible to join on individual days, although attending the training in its entirety is encouraged.
Language: English

Tickets (via Eventbrite):
Individual days: €10 normal/€7.50 student discount
Combi ticket (five days): €40 normal/€30 student discount
Tickets include a daily meal at the Basic Activist Kitchen

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