
5 December 2019, 14.00-19.00

Training XVIII: Disrupting Neoliberal Urban Governance: New Organizational Forms for the Immediate Future

  • Urban Practices and the Future of the City a paneldiscussion with Urban Front (i.a. David Harvey and Miguel Robles-Durán), BAK basis voor actuele kunst, 5 December 2019, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Lecture: David Harvey on Urban Front, BAK basis voor actuele kunst, 4 December 2019, photo: Tom Janssen

The eighteenth training as part of the Trainings for the Not-Yet is with Urban Front (David Harvey and Miguel Robles-Durán), and takes place on 5 December 2019 (Thursday). This training focuses on dialogue, seminar, drawing, and writing to conceive new organizational forms that can disrupt, co-opt, and penetrate existing urban governance structures.

Buy tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

This training calls for the urgent formation of what Urban Front calls “parallel urban practices,” while taking aim at the structural and conceptual problem of contemporary urbanism: the increasing fragmentation, separation, and disintegration of an understanding of the city. This fragmentation indicates the lack of a unifying theory or coherent body of knowledge about how urban space is used and produced by capitalism. Against architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and other established disciplines that fragment the built environment; and against all established disciplinary specializations that dispossess non-privileged communities of their right to know and decide about their environment, the training proposes a radical re-imagination of the intellectual division of labor that dominates the production of cities under contemporary capitalism.

The training also provides overviews on understanding relational urbanization processes; on how to build and transfer trans-disciplinary knowledge; and on dialectical thinking, and historical and geographical materialist inquiry, along with discussions on innovative and experimental social interventions and practices in New York, Barcelona, Puerto Rico, and Quito, where learning from the community and engaged experience has made it possible to construct anti-capitalist interventions that integrate a wide range of public and private actors.

When: 5 December 2019 (Thursday)                 
Furthermore, there will be public programs with Urban Front in the evenings: a lecture by David Harvey on Wednesday 4 and a panel discussion with David Harvey, Miguel Robles-Durán and many others on Thursday 5 December.

This is a one-day training.
Language: English

𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 (via Eventbrite): (FULL)
€10 normal/€7,50 student discount
Tickets include a meal at the Basic Activist Kitchen.
This training is sold out, please see our other public events with Urban Front (David Harvey and Miguel Robles-Durán) on 4 and 5 December.

Free places: For each training, BAK provides a few free places for those who would otherwise not be able to attend. To apply, please send a short explanation (max. 120 words) to, at least four days prior to the training. (First come, first serve).

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Suggestions from the archive


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Yallah Sabaya

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