Public Program

17 November 2019, 12.30-17.00

Propositions #9/5: Public Program

  • Panel Working in Groups, Acting in Networks during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Maria Hlavajova presenting during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Sven Lütticken presenting during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Dina Mohamed presenting during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Johannes Paul Raether presenting during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Diana McCarty presenting during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Dan McQuillan presenting during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

  • Kader Attia presenting during the fifth public program of Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, organized in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, 17 November 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

This last day of the week of Propositions #9 Deserting from the Culture Wars consists of a public program including a panel Working in Groups, Acting in Networks with Kader Attia, Diana McCarty, Dan McQuillan, and Johannes Paul Raether, moderated by Dina Mohamed


PUBLIC PROGRAM #5: 12.30-17:00 

12.30–13.00 hrs

13.00–13.30 hrs
Maria Hlavajova (artistic and general director, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht) and Sven Lütticken (art historian, critic, and writer, Utrecht)

13.30–15.30 hrs
Kader Attia, Diana McCarty, Dan McQuillan, and Johannes Paul Raether, moderated by Dina Mohamed
What organizational modes and forms of collaboration are used? How do distributed networks relate to sworn-in groups? What is the role of fiction and collective personas? How does group formation, with its element of closure, relate to being active in (social) networks? What kinds of subjectivity and collaboration are encouraged by the algorithms that underpin one’s life? How can media be socialized differently?

15.30–16.15 hrs

16.15 hrs


Tickets (via Eventbrite)
Per training: €10 normal/€7.50 student discount, including dinner at the Basic Activist Kitchen
Per public program: €8.50 normal/€5 student discount

Free places: For each training and public program, BAK provides a few free places for those who would otherwise not be able to attend. To apply, please send a short explanation (max. 120 words) to, at least four days prior to the training/public program. (First come, first serve).



BAK’s activities are made possible through financial contributions by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the City Council, Utrecht.

BAK’s main partner in the field of education and research is HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.

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Suggestions from the archive


8 March, 19.00–7 March, 22.00 2024

Yallah Sabaya

Community Portal Hosts… Yallah Sabaya Join us on 8 March 2024 at BAK, Yallah Sabaya is happening again! “Come on ladies, let’s have fun together,” would be a good translation of yallah sabaya. All women of different cultural backgrounds are welcome to dance, chat, and connect with others also through movement and celebration. 8 March 2024, […]

Reading Group


07 March–02 June 2024

Usufructuaries of earth
Chapter one: exhibition

The exhibition foregrounds the artist’s collaborative approach to bringing together ecological, feminist, and decolonial knowledges and practices that put forward ideologies of usufruct, unhinging property-relations from the idiom of individuated possession and toward forms of common userships between humans and other-than-humans.
