

Jérôme Giller is an artist, filmmaker, and curator. His artistic work being transdisciplinary, he uses a variety of media, including photography, video, and installations. Giller uses walking as a method of collaborative artistic creation and as an instrument for the physical experimentation over territories. Wandering along geographic lines to demarcate certain territories of interest—which can be geographic, poetic, industrial, and social at the same time—he collects the ways of living and doing that take place in urban and peri-urban territories. The archives that are created from these experiences (photos, videos, maps, drawings, writings, and objects) allow him to draw up iconographic and ethnographic inventories of these territories he met, crossed, and occupied temporarily, and of the people living in them. Recent works include Aïn Zarbia, Le 18, Marrakech, 2019 and Itinéraires, Appartement/Galerie Interface, Dijon, 2016. Giller lives and works in Brussels.