

A group of Utrecht-based activists, artists, an researchers initiated by Jeanne van Heeswijk

bASIC aCTIVIST kITCHEN (b.a.k.) is run by a group of Utrecht-based activists, artists, and researchers with backgrounds in theatre, art, squatting, organizing, anthropology, history, and gender studies, in collaboration with food for good, asia komarova (Casco and the outsiders), M. G Lostia and Sofia Fonseca, Willem Geertman Art and Culture Collective, Revolutionaire Eenheid, Sayonara Stutgard, 3K, and others, Initiated by Jeanne van Heeswijk.  

Throughout the course of Trainings for the Not-Yet, b.a.k. organizes daily cooking sessions and meals for trainings participants as well as for passers-by. Each week, different individuals and collectives are invited to collaborate and thus engage their respective practices and networks in the activity of communal cooking. What ingredients are used and where they originate; what is cooked, with and by whom; what is eaten together, when and why; and who is invited to the table and who is able or willing to join: these are political acts.

The b.a.k. table is organized as a space for encounters both to debate these questions and to embody them through practice—to train in them, in fact—as a means of shaping-in-common the not-yet. With the urgencies of this time in mind, b.a.k. is an experiment in actualizing solidarity and mutual, multidirectional care, sharing responsibility for food, the planet, and for each other.



27 January, 18.30–29 January, 21.00 2023

How to Set Up a Community Kitchen