

art worker and activist, Tallinn

Airi Triisberg is an art worker based in Tallinn. Her activities include writing, curating, and organizing. She is interested in the overlapping fields between political activism and contemporary art practices; issues related to gender and sexualities; collective working methods; self-organization; and struggles against precarious working conditions in the field of art and beyond. Between 2010–2012, she was member of an art workers’ network in Estonia that initiated public debates around working conditions in the local art field. Her recent projects include Get Well Soon!, 2015, an exhibition about illness and society, and Art Workers – Material Conditions and Labour Struggles in Contemporary Art Practice (2015), a publication co-edited with Minna Henriksson and Erik Krikortz. [Last updated 2015]

Public Editorial Meeting

9-10 October 2015

Art and Labor After the End of Work