18 September–22 December 2019

Training Program Trainings for the Not-Yet

Community-to-community trainings, with artists, organizers, activists, dancers, cooks, and more

  • Carmen Papalia, collaborative performance: Blind Field Shuttle (San Fransisco, CA), 2010 - ongoing. Courtesy of the artist, photo: Jordan Reznick

BAK is thrilled to share the schedule of trainings for Trainings for the Not-Yet. These community-to-community sessions, with artists, organizers, activists, dancers, cooks, and more, take place every week, Wednesdays–Sundays (with exceptions) between 14–18 hrs at BAK and are accompanied by a collective dinner (on weekdays, 18–19 hrs) and lunch (on weekends, 13–14 hrs) at the Basic Activist Kitchen. The links in this overview will take you to more detailed information on the trainings.

Training N
9–13 September 2019
Furniture for the Not-Yet

Training with Superuse Studios: furniture construction with reusable materials (a preliminary event for the program organizers, part of the preparation period for Trainings for the Not-Yet)

Training I 
18–22 September 2019
ProsceniumPerforming Institutions

Training with Adelita Husni-Bey: participatory performance, role play, creative writing, and discussion
(via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training II
26–28 September 2019
Unforgetting & Reconnecting: Story Mapping 
Training with Nancy Jouwe and Denise Valentine: mapping timelines, street names, landmarks, oral histories, archival material, and personal histories
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training III
2–6 October 2019
Mad About Study
Training with Joy Mariama Smith: collective reading and writing, conversations, somatics, movement research, karaoke, and more, culminating in a dance party and public intervention on Saturday 5 October 2019
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training IV
9–13 October 2019
Each Step Yields Depth

Training with Chloë Bass: cooking, recipe writing, storytelling, dialogue, translation, language-learning, language-teaching, with public supper on Sunday 13 October 2019
Facebook event

Training V
9 & 11 October 2019

More than Friends
Training with Staci Bu Shea: presentation, dialogue, and physical movement
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training VI
10 October 2019

Say YES to Consent
Training with Laced-Up Project: discussions, presentations, and practical exercises on the art of consent
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event 

Training VII
12 October 2019

Extended Bodies: Care, Accountability, and Relation
Training with Whitney Stark: thinking exercises and collaborative resource building (writing, speaking, mapping) to come up with and share tools, practices, and ideas on care, accountability, and relation
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training VIII
16–20 October 2019

Decommodifying Housing: How to Get There?
Training with Homebaked Community Land Trust (CLT) (Britt Jürgensen and Marianne Heaslip), De Nieuwe Meent (Selçuk Balamir), de Kasko (Joska Ottjes), Refugee Collective We Are Here, Ethel Baraona Pohl, and Irene Calabuch Miron
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training IX
16–20 October 2019
The Diego de la Vega Coffee Co-op Autumn School
Training with Fran Ilich: presentations and talks with images, case studies of alternative art, community and economic models, and collective production and spinning into motion of plans and strategies
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training X
22–26 October 2019
Open Access: Organizing Accessibility from the Grassroots
Training with Carmen Papalia: dialogue, embodied movement, non-visual mapping, creative writing, exercising non-visual senses, and sign and banner making
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XI
29–31 October 2019
A Week By & For: Designing Inclusive Spaces
Training with De Voorkamer: food, spatial, textile, and media design, as well as poetry, storytelling, music, creative activism, and more, with a public get-together on Sunday 3 November 2019 
Tickets (via Eventbrite) 

Training XII
1–2 November 2019
Voices of New Women
Training with New Women Connectors: plenary presentations, dialogue, work-tables, and group discussions locating the personal in relation to the political
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XIII
6–9 November 2019
(New) Formats of Care in Times of Violence
Training with Patricia Kaersenhout: storytelling, dialogue, embroidery, and spiritual healing
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XIV
13–17 November 2019
Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars
Symposium and trainings with BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, co-convened with Sven Lütticken 
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XV
20–22 November 2019
Community Futurisms
Training with Black Quantum Futurism: neighborhood walks, freestyle poetry, soundscapes, building a toolbox to help reverse gentrification, interactive lecture, and building quantum event maps and quantum time capsules
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XVI
27 November–1 December 2019
An investigation into collective work-processes for self-determination
Training with Hamada al-Joumah and Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh: discussions, collective readings, presentations, and exercises for developing a resource box for collective working and decision-making processes
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XVII

27 November–1 December 2019
Queer and Feminist
Physical and Critical
Self-Defense and Support
Bloc of Bodies

Training with a subdivision of To Be Determined (Clara Balaguer and Gabriel Fontana): deep listening, voice activation, team forming, and physical exercises to map limits and define strategies for protecting bodies
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XVIII
45 December 2019
Disrupting Neoliberal Urban Governance: New Organizational Forms for the Immediate Future
Training with Urban Front (David Harvey and Miguel Robles-Durán): dialogue, seminar, drawing, and writing to conceive new organizational forms that can disrupt, co-opt, and penetrate existing urban governance structures
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XIX

7 December 2019
Propositions #10: Instituting Otherwise

Training and symposium with Maria Hlavajova and Laura Raicovich: reimagining and reworking art institutions
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XX
11–15 December 2019

Exploring Untimely Togetherness
Training with Beatrice Catanzaro: exploring memory forms, co-writing, and co-visualizing (personal) narratives
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XXI

11–15 December 2019
Training for the Underwater(ed) Land
Training with Qanat (Abdellah Hassak, Amine Lahrach, Edouard Sors, Francesca Masoero, George Bajalia, Jérôme Giller, Louisa Aarrass, Noureddine Ezarraf, and Sara Frikech): artistic interventions, participative research, and discussions aimed at building a political and poetical map of water in its entanglement with the formation of landscapes and worldviews
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Training XXII
18–22 December 2019
Kitchen Atlases
Training with Bakudapan: mapping, cooking, eating, and reading
Tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

Please note, additional collaborations take place throughout the training weeks, with among others: Afrikaanderwijk Coöperatie, Angel Bat Dawid ( Le Guess Who? ),  Shumaila Anwar (Initiative for Diversity, Inclusion & Peace-IDIP), Utrecht in Dialoog, Habiba Chrifi-Hammoudi (U Centraal), Abdulaal Hussein, Stranded FM, Welkom in Utrecht, Gabriel Erlach, Mustapha Seray Bah (Stichting Mowad), and Extinction Rebellion Utrecht.

Trainings for the Not-Yet
Trainings for the Not-Yet is a project by BAK, basis voor actuele kunst and Jeanne van Heeswijk in collaboration with many others. An exhibition that unfolds through a series of trainings in civic engagement, radical collectivity, and active empowerment, the project brings together collaborators from various fields and communities to create and practice alternative imaginings of being together in the face of the pressing emergencies that shape the world today.

Trainings for the Not-Yet is part of the long-term BAK research itinerary Propositions for Non-Fascist Living (2017–ongoing) and has been made possible by generous contributions by: Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; the City Council, Utrecht; VSBfonds, Utrecht; BankGiro Loterij Fonds, Amsterdam; Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam; K.F. Hein Fund, Utrecht; and Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, Utrecht.

Trainings for the Not-Yet has been made possible by a generous support by VSBfonds. VSBfonds supports, in the form of donations, practical knowledge, and networks, initiatives by and for anyone that wants to actively participate in Dutch society. Emerging out of the more than 200 year-old nonprofit Maatschappij tot Nut van ‘t Algemeen, it aims to involve all citizens in society. The fund wants to contribute to self-reliance and social cohesion in our country by supporting social and cultural projects and providing scholarships. The aims are to let everyone establish their place in our diverse society and for people to grow, learn, and live with one another; hence the motto of the fund: “everybody participates.” VSBfonds is one of the largest private equity funds in the Netherlands. The fund has been in existence since 1990 and offers 26 million euros in donations each year to invest in the quality of Dutch society.

Van Heeswijk wishes to acknowledge Matteo Lucchetti, Francesca Masoero, Sanne Karssenberg, Damon Reaves, Cease Wyss, and the BAK 2018/2019 Fellows for their vital contributions to the development of this project.

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Suggestions from the archive


8 March, 19.00–7 March, 22.00 2024

Yallah Sabaya

Community Portal Hosts… Yallah Sabaya Join us on 8 March 2024 at BAK, Yallah Sabaya is happening again! “Come on ladies, let’s have fun together,” would be a good translation of yallah sabaya. All women of different cultural backgrounds are welcome to dance, chat, and connect with others also through movement and celebration. 8 March 2024, […]

Reading Group


07 March–02 June 2024

Usufructuaries of earth
Chapter one: exhibition

The exhibition foregrounds the artist’s collaborative approach to bringing together ecological, feminist, and decolonial knowledges and practices that put forward ideologies of usufruct, unhinging property-relations from the idiom of individuated possession and toward forms of common userships between humans and other-than-humans.
