
Fellow 2020

Selçuk Balamir during Decommodifying Housing training, organized in the framework of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Janssen

Selçuk Balamir

Selçuk Balamir is a postcapitalist designer, commoning researcher, and climate justice organizer working at the intersections of creative production, radical politics, and ecological transition. He specializes in strategic communications, community building, and making social transformation irresistible. Balamir has helped develop the framework for “Climate Games,” a transmedia action-adventure event enabling peer-to-peer disobedience, Amsterdam and Paris, 2015; and the grassroots campaign targeting shareholder meetings of the carbon major “Shell Must Fall.” He is among the initiators of the shared social housing projects NieuwLand, a postcapitalist urban commune, and de Nieuwe Meent cooperative, which is entirely organized around the principles of commoning, both Amsterdam. Balamir’s PhD work in Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam is on commoning practices in postcapitalist design. Balamir teaches ecology/sustainability to social design students at Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam. Balamir lives and works in Amsterdam.

Selçuk Balamir

Selçuk Balamir is a postcapitalist designer, commoning researcher, and climate justice organizer working at the intersections of creative production, radical politics, and ecological transition. He specializes in strategic communications, community building, and making social transformation irresistible. Balamir has helped develop the framework for “Climate Games,” a transmedia action-adventure event enabling peer-to-peer disobedience, Amsterdam and Paris, 2015; and the grassroots campaign targeting shareholder meetings of the carbon major “Shell Must Fall.” He is among the initiators of the shared social housing projects NieuwLand, a postcapitalist urban commune, and de Nieuwe Meent cooperative, which is entirely organized around the principles of commoning, both Amsterdam. Balamir’s PhD work in Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam is on commoning practices in postcapitalist design. Balamir teaches ecology/sustainability to social design students at Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam. Balamir lives and works in Amsterdam.

Fellowship Research Trajectory

For the 2020 BAK Fellowship, nine Fellowships are awarded to practitioners engaged with local communities and struggles for developing a focus on long lasting, mutual support with and through BAK as a public art institution. Former BAK Fellow and artist Jeanne van Heeswijk joins this strand as BAK Associate to conceptually guide the research and work on forms of proximity and building connections.

Next to these nine selected Fellows, six members of the collective freethought have been invited to participate in the 2020 edition of the Fellowship.