

researcher and activist, Warsaw/Wrocław

Małgorzata Maciejewska is a sociologist who specializes in work from the feminist perspective. In 2014 she received her PhD from the Department of Social Sciences of the Wrocław University, having defended her thesis “Transformation and its consequences for the social reproduction in the Wałbrzych region. The living and working conditions of women.” From 2010, she has collaborated with the Feminist Think Tank, conducting research on the systemic reasons for poverty, precarization, and the functioning of “special economic zones” in Poland. She is a member of the Nationwide Workers Initiative Trade Union. Presently, she is involved in research as part of the international project PRECARIR – The rise of the dual labour market: fighting precarious employment in the new member states through industrial relations. Małgorzata Maciejewska is based in Warsaw and Wrocław. [Last updated 2015]

Public Editorial Meeting

9-10 October 2015

Art and Labor After the End of Work