

researcher and professor, Leiden and Rotterdam

Frans-Willem Korsten is a researcher and professor and holds the chair by special appointment in Literature and Society at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Rotterdam; is associate professor at LUCAS: the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, Leiden; and runs the seminar Critically Committed Pedagogies in the Master Education in Arts program of the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam. He worked on Dutch baroque, theatricality, and sovereignty and on the relation between literature, art, and capitalism. He was responsible for the NWO internationalization program Precarity and Post-autonomia: the Global Heritage, together with Joost de Bloois (professor, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam). With colleagues from Ghent University, Ghent, Free University of Brussels, Brussels and VU University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, he runs a program funded by NWO/FWO under the acronym ITEMP: Imagineering Violence – Techniques of Early Modern Performativity in the Northern and Southern Netherlands 1630-1690 – a program that focuses on theatrical representations of violence. Together with Yasco Horsman (university lecturer, Leiden University, Leiden), he is currently working on justice and the role of literature and art at the limits of the law under the umbrella of CALL: the Centre for Art, Literature and Law. One project he focuses on in particular is how, in art and literature, the implications are explored for our conceptualisation of justice through an ethics of becoming.