News BAK
09 June 2020
Positive subsidy advice for BAK

BAK is very proud and happy with both the advice presented by the Dutch Culture Council (Raad voor Cultuur) to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science on 4 June 2020, and the advice presented by the Advisory Committee Culture 2021–2024 (Adviescommissie Cultuurnota 2021–2024) to the Municipality of Utrecht today, 10 June 2020. Both have recommended to include BAK in their structural four-year subsidy programs for the period of 2021–2024.
We acknowledge their challenging task in having to assess so many applications, and are extremely grateful that both the Council and Committee continue recognizing the importance of BAK as an innovative basis where art meets science and social action.
The Dutch Culture Council refers to BAK as “internationally renowned” and “discerning itself through urgent social programming and its combined function of a presenting and post-academic institution”. The Advisory Committee Culture praises BAK’s artistic quality, pioneering role in Fair Practice within the cultural field, collaborations with local and international partners and embeddedness in the city of Utrecht, focus on intersectionality, and more.
We are very excited about this opportunity to continue and further deepen the multiple collaborations with the communities around us, with and through art; a collective work driven by the urgencies causing the world tremor at present.
A big congratulations also to all other institutions and initiatives who received a positive advice.
You can check out the full advice of the Raad voor Cultuur here [in Dutch].
And the advice of the Advisory Committee Culture 2021–2024 here (p.44) [in Dutch].